IT Services For Chicago Area Businesses:
Is Your Current Computer Guy Causing You To Need An Aspirin?
- Does he take forever to call you back and respond to your requests?
- Are you paying him good money to keep things working, but are STILL having constant problems, slowness, and other recurring issues?
- Are you worried he’s not backing up and securing your network?
- Does your head hurt from having to deal with the hassles?
Are you sick and tired of constant IT, phone, and, computer problems interrupting your day, frustrating you and your team? Do you feel stuck with an absent-minded computer guy who isn’t delivering the SERVICE you want, but you don’t know who else you can trust to do a good job without overcharging you?
If so, I have the solution that will make IT-related issues one headache you NEVER have to deal with again.
My name is Mattine Gallentine, owner of MG Computer. We specialize in delivering proactive IT support and services to Chicago area businesses like yours with friendly, knowledgeable techs who will put you at ease and resolve your IT problems quickly and efficiently.
3 Reasons to Choose MG|Computer
to Support Your Computer Network
See what other business owners are saying about us…
Not Ready To Call Us Just Yet?
If so, we would at least like to give you a copy of our recently published report, I.T. Buyers Guide for Chicago.
Even if you aren’t ready to make a change right now, this will give you the 3 most common ways IT services companies charge for their services, and the pros and cons of each approach, 21 revealing questions to ask your IT support firm BEFORE giving them access to your computer network, e-mail and data, and more.
Simply fill out the form here and download your copy today!